I selected some parts for this project. MCU is MSP430G2231 which have internal temperature sensor (MSP430G2211 does not have ADC). DS18B20 1-wire digital temperature sensor as secondary sensor. 74HC595 8-bit shift register to show digits on 7-segment leds with multiplexing. I desided to use 3 7-segment leds with decimal point. Actually I don't have 7-segment but I do have 14-segment leds, I'll just use them as 7-segment leds. 3 transistors to power and multiplex leds.
So I have to use 4 pins for shift register, 3 pins for led multiplexing, 1 for decimal point (but it can be instant on), 1 for negative temperature minus (this is would be a dot actually). 1 pin for 1-wire interface for DS18B20 sensor. So 9 pins at all. Full port 1 and 1 pin from port 2, so no external crystal. 1 spare pin, 2kb of flash.
I already wrote a driver for 74HC595 shift register and a function to read internal temperature in celcius, but without calibration. Temperature read is not that steady as I thought. It jumps a lot hi and low (from +39 to +28 just with one read) if ADC clock is set to ADC10OSC, but if clock selected as MCLK temperature read is pretty steady.
Here is a temperature read function:
It reads ADC10 value then converts it to 3 digit celcius value with decimal point. Temperature struct is for this 3 digit format.
Main problem now is to write 1-wire interface driver for DS18B20 sensor. My code already eat almost 1kb and I need 1-wire driver, segment multiplexing driver, temperature conversion for DS18B20. Another problem is that 1-wire interface needs correct timing and it's not as easy as 74HC595 spi interface. If I going to fail with Duo part of the project, I'll fallback to single termometer and maybe without DS18B20.